Muay Thai classes in Barcelona

At El club de la lucha Barcelona we offer muay thai classes in our gym in Barcelona. We offer classes for both genders, male and female, as well as for kids.

At CLB we have an extensive schedule of Muay Thai classes, since classes are offered in the morning, afternoon and evening from Monday to Friday. In addition, our gym has the best facilities and equipment to teach Muay Thai in Barcelona.

We offer you the possibility of coming to try a free class so that you can see our facilities and meet our instructors. After the test class we will be happy to assist you and resolve any questions you may have.


In our Muay Thai classes we work on the main combat techniques, which can be broadly classified into attack, defense and counterattack techniques. Mastering these techniques requires discipline and perseverance to make them become part of muscle memory.

The training for a typical Muay Thai class is divided into 3 blocks.

Warming up

To begin with, a warm-up of just over 10 minutes is carried out in order to prevent injuries and to put the muscles and ligaments in the right tone to face the training.

The most common exercises are the following:

  • Jump rope.
  • Coordination and balance games with a training partner.
  • Shadow, which is an exercise that consists of practicing the different hitting and dodging techniques individually in front of an imaginary opponent. It is a warm-up exercise of great help to pay attention to the movements and basic technique of the student.

These routines also allow us to improve technical aspects such as footwork, striking and coordination.

Central block

After warming up, we move on to the central part of the class, where various Muay Thai combat techniques are taught and practiced:

  • Position and guard.
  • Combinations of hitting, feints, dodge and counterattack.
  • Displacements and combat distance.

The central part of the class can be developed in different ways:


In training with a bag, isolated strikes can be used, as well as different striking combinations. The bag rounds can be directed by the instructor or they can be open to let the student work on those shots and combinations that he considers most necessary. The instructors always show new students the correct way to use the bags so that they get the most out of their training. Bags are an excellent tool to work on technique, while improving physical condition and endurance.


The pad sessions help both the student who is holding them and the student who is hitting the pads, since in both cases they help to find rhythm, balance and distance as the two students flow from one technique to another. The instructors will make sure that the pads are used properly, as this is a very important aspect to avoid injuries and provide a great workout to the partner.

Combat technique

In combat technique sessions, repetition of defensive and offensive techniques is carried out while working with a partner. These techniques are the ones that can later be put into practice in sparring sessions, or in real combat.

Sparring o clinch

The class is usually closed with three rounds of sparring or clinch, which last three minutes each.

Sparring is the time to put into practice all the attack and defense techniques learned during the classes. It is also extremely important to pay attention to basic elements such as guard and balance.

The intensity level of sparring is agreed with the training partner and can range from very light  to high intensity sparring.



Muay Thai, also known as “Thai boxing”, is a martial art created for military use, whose roots date back to the 13th century during the time of the Sukhothai Kingdom.

Over time, Muay Thai expanded its horizons beyond military use and became the national sport of Thailand. In recent decades, its popularity internationally has grown exponentially and the demand for Muay Thai classes has exploded around the world.

Muay Thai is known as the “art of the 8 limbs” because it uses 8 points of contact, which are: 2 fists, 2 elbows, 2 knees and two shins. In our muay thai classes we work on all the types of beating characteristic of this combat discipline.


The main punching techniques include the direct punch (jab), the back straight punch (cross), the hook, the uppercut, the overhead punch, and the backward twist punch. Hitting power is generated with speed from the feet up, by shifting weight and rotating the hips and shoulders.



The elbow is one of the hardest parts of the human body, which makes them a very effective weapon in Muay Thai. There are a number of different ways to hit with the elbow: side to head, top to bottom, back to chin, flying elbow top to bottom, and rotating elbow back.



The muay thai kick is a punch of enormous power. The kick is performed from the outside, with the arm turned back along with the inside rotation of the hip to generate force. Typically kicks are thrown at the opponent’s legs, body, arms, back, or head.

In addition to the side kick, muay thai kicks can be performed in a variety of ways, such as jump kick, spin kick, up-and-down kicks with the heel landing on the opponent’s head, and even the famous acrobatic “cartwheel” kick, popularized by Saenchai.


The knees are short and medium range punches. The most common hitting points are the body, especially the rib cage, as well as the thighs and even the head. Jumping knee strikes can also be devastating if you land.

The knees are thrown with the rear leg to generate greater impact power. They can be thrown in a straight line or diagonally with a grip to keep the opponent at an attacking distance. Jumping knees to reach the opponent’s head are also common.


The thrusting front kick, known as a “teep” can be used both as a defensive weapon, to keep opponents at a distance and interrupt their attacks, and as an offensive, if it is thrown with power and precision.

The most common way of throwing a teep is as a direct front kick to the solar plexus and the lead leg, although they are also frequently thrown to the face on their most offensive side. Jump teeps are also common to gain even more force on push and impact.


Defense techniques are varied, although the main aspect to work on is to maintain a good one at all times. Maintaining an orderly guard and correct balance is essential to execute the different defense techniques including: blocks, dodges, movements and leg grabs. A good defense technique will allow us to execute counterattacks more efficiently.


The clinch is a close-range fighting style, which occurs when opponents are in a grip situation. The most common techniques in this situation are knee and elbow strikes, as well as sweeps to knock the opponent to the ground. The clinch is practically a martial art in itself, which requires a lot of practice and discipline to master.



Our muay thai classes are valid for both beginners, intermediate level students and competitors. The instructor will be in charge of organizing class pairs according to the level of the students.

At CLB we work with students according to their needs and abilities to ensure that we provide quality instruction to each and every one of our students regardless of their ability level.

The sessions will focus on helping to build a good foundation and fundamentals, which have their main axes in body mechanics, rhythm, footwork and balance.


These are some of the physical and mental benefits of training Muay Thai:

Complete training

Muay Thai is an intense training that works all parts of the body and involves many muscle groups. Being both an aerobic and anaerobic discipline, it is very efficient for weight loss, muscle toning, improving flexibility and hip mobility. This last point is of great importance, as it reduces the risk of developing hip injuries and other related medical conditions.

Increases endurance and improves cardiovascular health

Being a high intensity cardiovascular sport, regular muay thai training helps lower blood pressure and strengthen the heart. A constant and rigorous practice will contribute to exponentially improve the strength and endurance of the student.

Discipline and self-confidence

Training Muay Thai helps to develop mental strength, discipline and the spirit of improvement, since it is a sport that requires great perseverance. By challenging the physical and mental limits in each workout, it becomes a very effective workout for the body and mind. Being mentally strong enables a person to be successful in the face of uncertainty and adversity.

Stress regulator

Training muay thai requires great concentration, since it does not allow us to think about other distractions during training. In addition, throwing punches and kicks allows us to lower stress levels and channel our negative feelings. A muay thai workout generates an endorphin rush, also known as the hormone of happiness, which produces a great feeling of renewal and relaxation after finishing the workout.

Personal defense

Taking into account its warlike origins, Muay Thai was designed as a defense and attack weapon against an adversary or aggressor. Its range of strikes and defensive movements make it a great self defense tool for all types of people.